108 sun salutations 2022
In yoga tradition it is common to practice 108 sun salutation for special occasions that mark change. In this blogpost you will find more information about this challenging practice.
Why do we do sun salutations?
Yoga is an ancient practice that dates back many centuries. Those ancient yogi’s soon discovered that the sun is a special lady: she is the source of everything on earth. Without the sun, there is no life. That’s why they started saluting this sun with 12 subsequent postures symbolising the constant flow the sun provides, preferably early morning facing the sunrise or in the evening facing the sunset.
But why the heck 108?
Alright, sounds okay so far but why the heck would you do that 108 times? Well, the sun it symbolises change: the changing of the seasons and with it the changes in our lives. Certain times of the year especially mark a clear change. Summer and winter solstice for example, the longest and shortest days of the year. During solstice the sun is at it’s most northerly or southerly position, literally marking a turning point. To celebrate this ever present flow of change the sun provides, we honour it with 108 salutes. 108 is a sacred number in the yoga tradition since it connects the sun, moon, and earth: the average distance of the sun and the moon to earth is 108 times their respective diameters.
So how does it work?
Each of the 12 postures in the Hatha sun salutation has a specific mantra connected to it. Each mantra honours a different quality or aspect of the sun (see image). For 108 sun salutations we will practice for approximately two hours to the tunes of this mantra. To really connect to your movements and truly feel the gratitude towards the sun during your salutes it's encouraged to also mentally or verbally chant while you move. Since we practice at times of the year that represent new beginnings, we also encourage you to connect a personal intention to your practice that will help you heal or grow.
Can I join?
Everybody is welcome to join but it’s important that you have a proper knowledge of Hatha style surya namaskar (surya = sun, namaskar = a salute). Not familiar yet or need a refresh your practice? We recommend everybody who intends to join to take a couple of our Hatha classes leading up to the 108 sun salutations.
On 26 November, 3 and 10 December the Hatha yoga classes will be dedicated completely to preparing for this practice.
How do I prepare on 17 December?
To prepare yourself for the practice make sure that you hydrate sufficiently the day before and it make sure not to eat (to much) right before the practice. Bring a bottle of water and a towel (you might get sweaty) and your own yogamat if you prefer. Show up with your personal intentions clear in mind and be prepared to surrender to the flow.
If you can’t join our session you can also do (part of) the practice from home, for example 54, 27 or 18 rounds of sun salutations. You can find our playlist with the mantra here.
Darcy Ecoma Verstege
Each mantra begins with Ohm and ends with namaha, a salute. In between are words of praise for the different qualities of the sun.